Tokyo issued the first Coronavirus alert after 34 new confirmed cases in the city Tuesday, a day after it eased business closure requests for sports, gyms, and department stores. “The purpose of this alert is to make residents aware of our precarious situation and urge them to be cautious,” Gov. Yuriko Koike said during a meeting with the task force on Tuesday night. 

The government’s declaration of emergency was lifted on May 25th. However, when people start moving in large cities again, the infection may spread instantly. If the number of infection cases grows, the stores and public utilities may be forced to close for preventing the second-time pandemic. 

The people are asked to follow the rule seriously, by washing hands and keeping social distance with other people, avoid closed spaces, crowded places, a close-contact settings which called three Cs.

Resource:「東京アラート」生活への影響は? 解除はいつ?